Hello. Today is all about getting over the hump! Can I get a witness?!

I finally remembered the film I watched this past weekend! David Lynch’s Wild at Heart. Holy crap do I enjoy that film! It’s weird and sexy and funny and weird. If I were writing a film description I’d say: Wild at Heart is Elvis meets the Wizard of Oz. A sexy romp where two hapless kids find the America dream somewhere over the rainbow. OK, that doesn’t seem to be my forte, let’s just say it’s a good flick. I think I saw it about four times in the theatre when it came out.

Good film

Speaking of good films – My former intern Rick was talking about Buffalo ’66 on his site yesterday. Rick, I tried to e-mail you but it got sent back to me. Watch Buffalo ’66, it’s very good — Sad, funny and very entertaining. My kind of movie.

I was walking through the bus station last night. I was making the transition from work to Bobby time and I took in a deep breath to kind of wash the day away. Well, I think I swallowed SARS. I can’t be 100% sure as I don’t have any symptoms but something was funky about that air. My gum must have clashed with something. Always a mystery.

Damn if I don’t love my new cell phone! I was stuck in traffic yesterday, usually in this situation I just look around the bus and imagine which women won’t go out with me. Then it hit me, I’ll play Jacks or Better on my cell phone! Holy moly, I was saved. SAVED! I got four of a kind too! That’s 125 imaginary dollars! That was one bus ride for the books.

I hope I win the lottery tonight — that would be sweet. If I won, I’d buy the Spruce Goose and turn it into a shopping mall. Remember kids, it’s important to have a dream.

That’s it! Aren’t links fun?

God Bless America.