I saw a report on CNN yesterday about how bad ice cream is for you. Well, by the time I got home, I wanted some ice cream so bad; it wasn’t even funny. Thanks a lot CNN! I bought some Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great but would it kill ’em to just put out some plain strawberry ice cream? Sometimes I like my ice cream without all the crap! I sense a letter writing campaign in my future. OK, time to get into the D ZONE!

First order of business today is to give a shoutout to my friend Pam from Queens. Pam writes:

Dear Bob,

I love bobborden.com and really love the new energy brought on by the all-new D ZONE! Will you offer memberships in the near future? My hot girlfriends and I really want D ZONE fever to catch on. Thanks, Bob.


Pam asked for it and she got it. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the first member of the D ZONE:

D ZONE member


Congratulations, Pam!

In other news, there were two flies in my apartment last night. I think they sought refuge in my screen and pushed their way in. I killed one but the other one remained at large for quite some time. The point of this story is that my cats dropped the ball. Flies shouldn’t be anywhere near my apartment with them around. I walked in and they just calmly walked to the front door to greet me, they were oblivious to the situation at hand! I guess I can see their side of things; they did just wake up after a day-long nap. I wish I could spend all day sleeping and licking myself. Hmmmmm, that didn’t sound right. I have to toughen these cats up, there’s no free ride in the Borden household. I may look into kitty boot camp if things don’t improve.

I really like all the TV shows where “celebrities” make cute comments about decades or other stars. What garbage! VH1 is particularly guilty of this. If you’re a celebrity and you find yourself on a TV show talking about other celebrities, you should give your agent a call. The E! Network has started airing these shows about celebrity photographers. Don’t they worry that they’re biting the hand that feeds them? As a student of television, I’m just thinking out loud.

I bought a Creedence Clearwater Revival CD this past weekend — it’s darn good! It’s called Cosmo’s Factory. I’ve only owned their greatest hits collections up to this point. It’s interesting hearing the non-greatest hits. I may buy all their other stuff too. They put out five records in two years! By today’s standards, that’s insane. I’m guessing that their hectic workload was only part of the story of how they brokeup, again, only guessing. I don’t know a lot about them. I think John Fogerty’s brother sued John because he sounded too much like himself. Crazy.

OK, that’s it for Thursday!

Stay gold,
