There’s a flu epidemic in New York City.

New York City man ignores flu virus warnings.

DON’T panic but you should PANIC!  Newspapers, Internet and TV reports are invaluable!  So far I have learned how to wash my hands, get a flu shot and avoid sick people.  Thank you but the only person really safe from the flu is the singer of the Flaming Lips:

Singer Wayne Coyne demonstrates how to properly beat influenza.

I wasn’t going to get a flu shot this year but now I might.  I don’t want the flu.  Hey, speaking of being inside of a bubble, recently my father-in-law and I took my 3-year-old nephew to an aviation museum.  They had a hurricane simulator.  Watch:

Ha ha. I think next time I’ll think twice before subjecting my nephew to hurricane force winds! Bad uncle. Have a great weekend!

UPDATE: I just realized my first photo wasn’t taken today in New York City. It’s from the 2011 film, Contagion. And “New York City man” is actually Matt Damon. Sorry for any confusion.

Last night, Cara and I did some channel surfing between the end of Modern Family and beginning of Top Chef.  We came across a show called, Stars in Danger: The High Dive.  It was awesomely bad.  So bad, friends emailed me and texted Cara.

I love TV and I never saw one promo for this show!  We didn’t watch it for long.  I was surprised to see Jersey Shore’s JWoww.  I haven’t watched Jersey Shore since season one.  She had some work done on her face.  Such a shame.  A version of this show has been popular in Germany for years.  Maybe we should just stick to ripping off British shows.  Ha ha.

Speaking of TV shows, I’ve never seen Magnum, p.i.

It was on from 1980 to 1988!  Cara loves the show and was kind enough to share her love with me.  We put in the disc and watched the first episode…or so I thought.  Turns out, it was a movie-length episode!  I believe they did that a lot back in the day.  It was entertaining but way, way too long!  I’m looking forward to watching a regular episode.  So, what did I watch instead of Magnum?  I went back to the schedule from 1980.  I watched: Barney Miller, then It’s a Living.  In 1983 I watched: Gimmie a Break! and Mama’s Family.  1985:  The Cosby Show and Family Ties.  1987:  ’87 was a hard one to pin down.  I might have watched The Slap Maxwell Story.  I always liked Dabney Colman.

It’s funny how much I didn’t know about TV when I was a kid.  I had no idea about seasons or schedules.  I just watched blindly.  I never really cared why the show “Alice” kept replacing the “Flo” character.  Or why “One Day at a Time’s” Julie didn’t live in the apartment anymore.  Now I know too much!  Ha ha.  Would young Bob have enjoyed Stars in Danger: The High Dive?  I don’t think so.

I watch and like Parenthood.  There, I said it.  I am not ashamed, ha ha.  This season one of the characters is dealing with cancer.  Last week she shaved off her hair.  Nothing funny about that, at all.  What is hilarious is the bald cap she wears.

Who approved this?  When her character enters a scene, it makes me laugh.  She has cancer, that’s not funny, right?  I know it’s just a TV show but it’s really distracting.

Bald caps in TV

Alternatives to wearing a bad bald cap?  1. Cut your hair.  De Niro gained 70 pounds for Raging Bull.  Commit to the character.  2. Try on the bald cap first, before you shoot the hair cutting scene.  3. Just wear hats.  Anything would look better than this bald cap…anything!   There are only 2 more episodes this season.  I will be able to make it through.  But I hope her cancer goes into remission.  Please, don’t bring this bald cap back for the next season.  Assuming there will be a next season.

Cara and I were cleaning up after having everybody over for Sunday night dinner.  I was putting trash in the can when Cara asked me what I was doing.  I said, throwing away the trash.  She said, “But you’re throwing out bottles and cans.”  That’s when I told her about New Year’s resolution to stop recycling.

Cara wasn’t thrilled with my resolution and my explanation didn’t help. I’m just tired of separating my trash. Also, when the world implodes, and it seems like we’re getting closer everyday, will anybody really care if I don’t recycle my seltzer can?  Words couldn’t describe how disappointed she was with my actions.  I have gone back to recycling.  But I still don’t like it!  🙂

David Bowie is back!  He has been out of the limelight, it seems, for years.  He just released a new single with an album to follow.  Bowie has adopted many, many personas through the years.  I enjoyed The Thin White Duke era(s).  So my hope for his new video is please, don’t get too weird.  Your music is great, I don’t need a lot or any theatrics.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed and take a look at a photo from his new video.

Ah, crap!  That’s kinda weird.  Ha ha ha.  Oh well, the SONG is beautiful.

Look at what I saw in the supermarket.

I miss Twinkies!  Ha ha.

I’m writing this Sunday night.  Downton Abby is on for two hours!  Thanks a lot PBS, what did I ever do to you?!  Ha ha.

Last week I told you about eating my first McRib.  What I didn’t tell you is I entered a McDonald’s contest on Twitter.  Post a photo of yourself enjoying your first McRib and you could win a prize.  Well guess what?  I won!

Ha ha ha!  Isn’t that cool?  I should find out what I won at some point today!  Check back later for an update.

UPDATE:  I won $250!  Isn’t that crazy?  For this reason and many others, I’ve had the best Monday ever!

Congratulations to “Star Wars” creator George Lucas! He recently got engaged!

To those who know George, and C3P0, the news didn’t surprise anyone.  Good luck, Guys!

When Cara and I drove to Ohio last week we ate at McDonalds for lunch. I looked at the menu and there was only one choice, the McRib!

I believe this was my first McRib.  It was pretty good.  The sandwich looks very tiny in my giant Hulk hands.  Would I ever eat another one?  YES!

Season 3 of Downton Abby starts this Sunday at 9PM!  You know what that means?  It means this Sunday at 9PM, I have to find something else to do, ha ha.  I know it’s a very popular show but it makes me sleepy.


The United Sates gained 155,000 new jobs in December.  That’s great!  Unfortunately, most of those jobs were mall Santas.  Now it’s January and you can’t get a computer at the library!

I have to say, not ALL Santas are unprepared.  This St. Nick has been working construction since December 26th!

Good for him!