I was in the Hello Deli this morning and I was looking at the bananas and I said to myself, that’s just about as perfect as a banana gets. So I got one — Check it out:

They’re two things wrong with that exchange: 1. I’m talking to fruit and 2. I took a photo of it. The Internet truly is useless. OK, I have a story. There’sa guy that works in this building that every now and then I’d see in Hoboken. After about a year of this, I saw him again in Hoboken last week and introduced myself. Just a quick introduction, no conversation or anything. So, last night, I’m waiting for the bus and I see the guy again. I said, “Hi.” He looked at me like I was nuts. I had the wrong guy. I said, “I’m sorry I thought you were this other guy.” He said, “What’s the guy’s name?” I said, “Pete.” He said, “That’s my brother.” That freaked me out! I had a nice talk with him on the bus. I was talking to my friend Sandi on the horn last night and she pointed out that they’re probably twins. I didn’t even think of that! Here’s the sad part to this story — I’m talking to strange men on the bus. Excuse me for a second, OH Sweet Lord, my life has gotten to the point where I’m talking to strange men on the bus. Sweet Lord, I love women, you know it and I know it, send me a woman Lord, please Lord, PLEASE? Lord? LORD!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Internet Acting, 2002! Thank you, thank you very much.
Mmmmmm, this banana is good! A great story, a picture of a banana — what more do you want? That’s it! God Bless America.