I’m going to start off with something new today. Here’s something I like to call: Story I forgot to put in yesterday’s diary. Here it goes…

I went to the record store “last night” in hopes of finding the greatest hits of Hall & Oates. I saw their Behind the Music and was reminded of their sweet melodies. Anyway, they didn’t have it! How can you run a record store and not have that record? OK, so I’m down but not out. I was going to get thePiece of Mind CD by Iron Maiden — Sold out. I was in there for over an hour and walked out with nothing — I even looked at the LPs! You know — I think I forgot that story for a reason, it stinks.

Last night, I had drinks with Bob Bowdon. Two Bobs out on the town, making the scene. We talked about Sports, current events, finance and relationships. Here’s how the conversation about relationships went — I’ll be known as Bob #2, this is going to get confusing. Here it goes, remember, the subject is relationships:Bob #1 “And that’s about it. How about you?”
Bob #2 “Ahhhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmm, how about that Super Bowl?”

Ha ha, get it…when asked about relationships, I didn’t have anything. Ha ha, get it? Oh, sweet Lord, OK, I won’t do that again but seriously Lord, come on! I ate a Gyro last night. I knew it was bad, I knew it’d make me feel bad but I had to have it. I’m days away from changing my life and my eating habits. I can’t keep doing what I’m doing. Due to heavy traffic this morning, my butt fell asleep on the bus. PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Ha ha! — That’s it, Have a good one. God Bless America.