Happy Valentine’s Day! The nice thing about keeping a diary is revisiting your past. Before I started today’s diary, I looked at what was going on a year ago. Can you say bitter? Things are pretty much the same as last year — meaning – I still don’t have a woman in my life. I don’t really mind this year. It’d be nice to be with someone but it just isn’t in the cards for me right now. I’m perfectly content being single. Heck, I’m only 32. I don’t really feel like life has started rolling for me yet. I’m happy, I really am. I’m cool with my single life. OH SWEET LORD, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE — SEND ME A WOMAN!!!! I’m losing my mind, Lord!!! I’m not content, I was just trying to be suave. Lord, I’m sorry Lord! I’m not suave! Lord? LORD!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I’m just having fun. So, I’m stuck in traffic for the past three mornings. Tuesday I was sitting for an hour and a half! They shut down the bus station because some idiot said his cell phone was a bomb. I keep this little book in my bag for such an emergency — The Basics of Blackjack. It’s really a handy book to have. It tells you when to hit and when to stand, it has charts and everything. I like to refresh myself on the basics every now and then, you never know when a game will pop up. Here’s a passage I enjoyed from The Basics of Blackjack–“The ace-6, the soft 17, will never be stood upon. It will either be hit, or doubled down. When you see a player standing with a soft 17, you’ll know he’s very weak, and a loser.”

Ha ha, this author doesn’t mince words. I’d like to read a weight-loss book written by this guy — “Hey fat ass, put down the doughnut and back it up on the treadmill.”

On my way home last night I stopped of at the old 24 hour cigar store. I picked up some Valentine’s Day scratch-off tickets. The hope is that while I’m unlucky in love, I’ll be lucky in — the lotto? Booooooo, anyway, I bought 2 Valentine’s Kisses tickets:

OK, I’m going to scratch them off. Oh man, I’m so excited! This is my chance to pick up a cool $50,000! Good-bye hard road, hello easy street! Here I go:

Damn!!! LOTTO!!!!! Seriously, if you’re a single woman in the tri-state area, do yourself a favor and drop me a line. Did that seem desperate? I DON’T CARE!!! Ha ha. That’s it. Love the one you’re with. God Bless America.