I’m not sure what happened but by the time I started to head home last night, the thought of a womanless Valentine’s Day brought me down. The streets were lined with couples. This one had a balloon, that one had a flower, this couple were kissing, that couple were holding hands. Too much for me! I started thinking — it won’t be that bad. You’ve been gone all day, you come home, check your messages, return a few phone calls, go to bed, big deal, who cares. This is how my answering machine greeted me:

Zip, zero, nothing. My mom didn’t even call! I was down but not out. For you see, what I didn’t tell you was that on my way home, I made a kit to help me get through the night:

I had it all in front of me: A Hall and Oates CD, Pringles and War-Games!!! Man, what a night! What a night. Yep. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Is this it Lord? Internet Acting, thank you, thank you very much. OK, that’s it — Have a great weekend! What are you doing this weekend? Let me know on my message board. God Bless America. “Shall we play a game?” Man, that’s a good movie!