I’m not sure how to tell this story. It’s almost one of those “had to be there” type things. But it’s so good, I at least have to give it a shot. I’m sitting at my desk yesterday, working, minding my own business. All of the sudden,“CRASH!” Something falls on me and hits the side of my body and slams into my desk! And it hit hard! I have a shelf above my desk where I have on display among other things, a car bumper, a guitar case and a giant pickle. It was the last item on that list that did the damage. It made such a loud noise that 5 people ran into my office to see what happened. I was in shock and said, “My giant pickle just hit me in the fu**ing head!” I got the giant pickle a few years ago. I think the pickle council sent them to people to promote, well, pickles. Here’s a photo of the pickle that almost did me in:

I’m not sure what it is but life seems a little sweeter now. The giant pickle could have really hurt me but it didn’t. Here’s something new to BobBorden.com, I call it Bob’s Throw Away Comments, here it goes: Man, this weather is crazy, it’s like 60 degrees out there. Thank you, thank you very much. Last night I met up with my friends, Sandi, Bob and Alex. I just stopped by to say hello and to talk. Sandi was nice enough to compliment me on my jacket. That made me feel 20 feet tall. I only stayed there for a drink because I was starting to get hot. I left my jacket on because the T-shirt I was wearing didn’t look so great — plus, I had kind of “a look” going on. That’s very rare for me to have “a look.” So, I had to stick with it come hell or high water. Bob snapped a quick photo on my way out and was kind enough to send it to me.

Thanks Bob! I like that photo! That’s me last night, in a bar talking to Sandi and Alex — two lovely ladies, if I may say that. I felt like I was hip and making the scene. I got home and thought that there was no way that Bob would have the time to send me that photo before today’s diary. So, I recreated the photo minus the ladies. This falls under the category of photos I shouldn’t show:

Man oh man, I’m just not right, ha ha. OK, that’s it for another week in the life of me, Bob. Thanks for checking out my site, thanks for telling your friends about my site and thanks for making this site the number one site on the Internet — NUMBER 1!!!! God Bless America.