Hello. Ah, sweet, sweet Friday! I am SO looking forward to Spider-Man tonight! I can’t remember the last time I was looking forward to seeing a film this much — well, except for Dude, Where’s My Car? “Boooooooo!!” Sorry. I’ve heard good buzz about Spider-Man already. I’m so hooked into the Hollywood scene, ha ha. I’m thinking about changing my “ha ha” to “lol.” Everyone knows what lol means by now, right? Laugh out loud, for those in my audience that just bought a computer. Maybe I’ll start doing that next week.Busy day at work yesterday. Just nonstop action everywhere you looked. It was a good week. Before the day really got cooking yesterday, I happened to look out my window and I saw these men, taking down a billboard. It’s on the side of The Majestic building that you all know so well. It was pouring down rain and this guy was climbing around the billboard like, well, like Spider-Man. I took some photos of the whole process.

I was fascinated by this for a whole hour! My hat goes off to that guy, good work.

On 4/24/02 I talked about my horrible bus ride to work. The bus was filthy, my clothes got really dirty and the driver was rude. I wrote them a letter to complain, never thinking that I’d hear back. I heard back from them yesterday. They said they forwarded my letter to their claims department and to the garage to inspect the bus. This is usually the part of my diary where I scream and get mad at the New Jersey Transit but I’m not going to. I’m over it now. It’s forgotten. Seriously, if the driver would have said something to me, anything audible, this whole thing could have been avoided. It’s not a big deal. What did he think, I got on the bus in dirty clothes? That I walk around in dirty clothes trying to start trouble? Is this how society works now, have a problem? I’ll just mumble something and maybe it will go away! People have rights you know! I’M STILL A HUMAN BEING, AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Internet Acting, thank you, thank you very much.

Speaking of bus rides — I had a wacky trip this morning.

The bus couldn’t get into the Port Authority so they had to drive us around the city. Crazy! To top that off, this “out there” person got on. This person was drinking a protein drink from a large plastic cup. This person also sat right in front of me, with feet up on the seat, facing the wrong direction. In other words, facing me. See, I’m on to something when I talk about society these days. This person was socially unacceptable. People! When I was getting off the bus, I said to the driver, “thank you.” He said, “I’m sorry.” Now that’s a good driver. He’s apoligizing to the passenger for something that was totally out of his control. He wasn’t like that other driver.OK, I think that’s about it for today. Thanks for checking out my site this week and please don’t forget to tell your friends! God Bless America