Hello. How about that World Series? I’d like to add to that opening remark but what I know about sports could fill a thimble, I was in the band. I took some diary time off this week, it felt pretty good. We’re not taping this week and I just wanted to live a somewhat normal life. Writing this diary for all to see is part of my abnormal life, ha ha.

I’m so thankful/hopeful that the sniper was caught. It’s hard to comprehend why someone would do such a thing. I’m without words.

I’m behind on popular culture right now. I haven’t seen Punch Drunk Love yet and I haven’t picked up the new Foo Fighters CD. I did do one interesting thing this week. I bought some new shampoo.

Bob bought some

new shampoo

The good people over at Suave have harnessed the power of the coconut so I can have clean hair. My hair has never looked/felt so good. *Today’s diary is brought to you by Suave*

OK, I just wanted to check in – I’ll be 100% back on Monday. Have a great weekend.

God Bless America.