TV shows I should be watching but I’m not: 24 – end of list. I missed the first season and I just haven’t been able to watch it this season. I have two regular shows to keep up with, The Sopranos and Curb your Enthusiasm – how many new shows can one man watch? I need a Tivo. I watched American Movie instead of 24.

I was busy yesterday adding some new items to the store. Just added: A lovely holiday ornament, just in time for the holidays. And a Flying Disc – also, just in time for the holidays? They’re both adorned with the classic logo – buy early, buy often. And coming soon: A Wall Clock. More information on that when I get it.

Yesterday, I talked about changing the “text” on my cell phone. I changed it from “ready” to “Killyourcell” — I turn it on today and it reads:

Bob’s cell phone

fights back

“Hi asshole” What the heck!?

Is there any type of “AA” program for people addicted to sweets? I tried a mock diet yesterday — I didn’t eat enough throughout the day. Then at night, it was hello crap train! Damn leftover Halloween candy! Damn sugar! Damn Damn Damn!

Somebody buy me a Tivo. If there are any wealthy industrialists out there, now is the time to speak up! Wait; let me use reverse psychology. ATTENTION wealthy industrialists: I DARE YOU TO BUY me a Tivo. Was that reverse psychology? Oh what does it matter, no wealthy industrialists are checking out my site. (Now that was reverse psychology! I think.)

That’s it. Tune in tomorrow when I make a desperate plea to wealthy widows. Have a great day. God Bless America.