I’m on listen number two of the new White Stripes’ CD, that’s right, I said The White Stripes, you know I’m hip to the scene! Anywho, Bobby like. Keep that in mind when you need to buy some new music. Now, make no mistake,I don’t see any of that money. I’m simply passing on the good word to you fine folks.

This photo is here

for no reason!

I got in some quality time on The Legend of Zelda last night. I killed a dragon or solved a castle or something. Games sure are involved now. If I found one magic potion, I found 100! Games have come a long way since Zaxxon – thank God, am I right? “Cricket, cricket.”

Here’s an Instant Message conversation I just had with my Mom:

Mom: today it was 80 — tom. It will be 50.
Bob: yep
Mom: and rainy
Bob: yep
Mom: lol
Mom: night
Bob: later

Ha, ha! That’s the kind of conversation I like! Sometimes there just isn’t anything to say. Props to my Mom for being computer literate. When’s Mother’s Day? Crap, I hope I didn’t miss it.

I have to end it here for today. I spent way too much time on my photo of the day but the results speak for themselves.

God Bless America.