Oh my, it’s late! I just got back from seeing The Matrix! I’m not going to spoil it for you. I’ll just say that it was very good. Not great but good. Putting it in the context that it’s just one piece of the trilogy, it was excellent. But on its own, good, not great — Enough with that style of fighting already! That’s my only complaint. At times it felt like they had to get him fighting just because he learned all those moves.

Good flick

I saw it with Jay and Colleen. We got there about 50 minutes before the movie started to get a great seat, unfortunately, so did everyone else. We were at the end of the line – 50 minutes before the previews start and we’re already screwed! In order to get 3 seats together we split up and combed the small theatre. Colleen went left, Jay and I to the right. Jay went up, I went down for the sure thing. Jay got 3 seats up top and motioned for me to come up but then the stupid people that moved over misjudged their seats and long story short, we ended up sitting two rows behind the screen. I didn’t mind, I’m not going to fight someone for a seat, ridiculous. Honorable mention goes to Jay for sticking his neck out for the group. Very Neo of him, ha ha. This city is a jungle.

It’s late; I have nothing else to talk about. I know today’s diary is short but it’s 2 am! Bobby needs some shuteye!

Have a great weekend. God Bless America.