Candid photo from our wedding.
We’re coming up on one year.
Best year of my life.

I love this photo.
My Dad and I are hanging out before
my brother’s wedding.

I bought this for Cara last year.
It hangs on your wall.
It’s an owl.

How not to take a photo of a pretty flower:

Step 1: Make sure your thumb isn’t in the shot.

Step 2: Avoid rain gutter in the background.

I just got back from the barbershop. I got a haircut and for the first time ever…a professional shave!


He had to go slow with the blade because I have sensitive skin. Who knew? I learned one thing from getting shaved, I need to buy more lotions and oils. I smell like a French whore! Will I ever get a professional shave again? Doubtful.

BTW, if you’re looking at the before and after of my haircut, yes, I know it doesn’t look that different. I like to maintain a certain length, otherwise, I start to look like a dork. When the hair starts growing over my ears, it’s time for a new cut. I enjoy getting my haircut because someday I won’t need to go to a barber. Damn male pattern baldness!

Have a great weekend.



I just spent craziest 20 minutes talking to my web designer. It appears was attacked by North Korean computer hackers! Sorry for the video below. Whew! All is well now.