I get on the bus last night and it’s my favorite kind of bus. There’s a row of seats on the side that are by themselves. Meaning, you get a seat to yourself because there’s only room for one person on that seat. All the other seats on the bus you have to share. The seats are hard plastic and not very enjoyable to share. I get on the bus and there’s one cool seat left! I walk to the seat, look at it and almost sit down in a puddle of water. I caught myself in the nick of time and headed to the back of the bus. I see this same scene play out over and over again as people board the bus. We drive out of the Lincoln Tunnel and make our first stop, a guy gets on and you guessed it, sits down in the seat. I’m watching this, he realizes what happened, moved to the edge of the seat and then to another seat. The back of his pants are soaked. My question to you is this: You get on the bus, go for that seat, see that it has water on it and move to a nearby seat. WOULDN’T YOU AT LEAST GIVE SOMEBODY A HEADS UP IF YOU SAW THEM SITTING DOWN?!!!!! The people around him did absolutely nothing! The woman behind the seat must have seen this chain of events over and over again. Why didn’t she say anything? Is this society now? Is this how it works? Pitiful. I would have said something but I was all the way in back, I can’t scream to this guy, it would have caused a panic. If I were closer, I would have said something. People! I get on the bus yesterday morning and they jacked up the fare on me! It was $1.50, now it’s $2.00. That’s a pretty stiff hike. They just keep sticking it to me! What’s next, a tax for sitting on the bus? OK, on to some happier news. I got a haircut last night. It was looking a little shabby. Now look at it: Now look at it with a crazy Photoshop filter:

I made a very important decision when I was in the chair last night. I’m done with hair gel and I’m switching to Pomade. I need more hold and shine. Sweet Georgia Brown, Pomade, gel — it’s all moot because I’m losing my hair anyway. I’ve been losing hair since I was 15. I remember on vacationmy brother running in from the bathroom with my hair that he took from the bathtub. He announced to my Mom and Dad that I was going bald. I remember there was no support from him, he just said something like, “You’re going bald dude.” Here’s what’s going on these days:
I’d say it’s more thin than bald. I can still feel hair up there. I’m not going to be one of those guys that needs to have hair at any cost. I’ll just shave it all off when the time comes. I’m not bald. That’s it. Have a great day. God Bless America.

Hello. I’m going to start off today’s diary by talking about my weekend. Friday night I went out to celebrate Jay’s birthday. We went to a fancy restaurant on the East Side. It was nice sitting down to a good meal with good friends and good conversation. It’s always good to talk about the events of the day and what it’s like to take a vacation in the jungle. Right after dinner, “Sally” took this photo:

Back L-R, Jay and Chris
Front L-R, Walter, Tom, Chris, Colleen and myself.

We headed to a bar after that. I walked in and just had a gut feeling like I should call it a night. So, that’s what I did. I took off, walked a little bit and jumped in a cab to the Path station. The cab driver didn’t know where it was, I didn’t either! 6 years of riding on that thing and I don’t know the stops! I guess my mind doesn’t work like that. He asked the driver in another cab and I was back in Hoboken in no time. I looked in my mail box when I got home and couldn’t believe it! I’m not sure if I should write about this. It’s a once in a lifetime thing. I’ve been invited to an exclusive “Private Sale” and from the look of the model on the invite, I should keep it a secret, oh what the heck, I’ll share my good fortune:

I hate Madison Avenue. I hate it but if they ever wanted to hire me:

How do you spell sellout? I love Madison Avenue, LOVE IT!! Saturday, I didn’t do much. I did my laundry in Nutley. I couldn’t believe it! I was doing my laundry and I saw a girl from work, Tara. It was odd seeing someone from work at the laundry, in Nutley. Oh but we had a good laugh! After that I went to the A & P. I went home and was in for the night. I tried burning a another CD but even at the highest setting, it still made a digital hiss. I’m going to get a new/better burner, someday. If I can’t hear “Twisted Sister‘s Were Not Going to Take It” at its optimum sound quality, then what’s it all about anyway?! Sunday, I went over to Walter and “Sally’s” place. We probably shouldn’t have worked on Easter but it just seemed like a good day to chop some wood. My new site is coming along, I’m very excited about it. “Sally” made a lovely dinner, I had a great day. Special thanks to Walter and “Sally.” So, that’s it. I’m going to run. Have a great day. God Bless America.

I don’t know, it shouldn’t be this hard for my computer to read an MP3 CD but apparently, it is. Maybe my computer isn’t up on the MP3 format? I’m guessing user error. I was on the bus last night and there was a woman sitting in front of me, her name was Jen. I know this because she was making phone calls like crazy. I didn’t mind it at all because she was cool and didn’t scream at the top of her lungs. I’m only writing about this person because I noticed something I’ve never seen before. She had two cell phones! You read that right, TWO! It was crazy and yet cool. At one point she took out her Palm and looked up another phone number! I was impressed. I got off the bus and you really can’t help looking up in the sky at the WTC lights. I can’t say enough about what a moving tribute it is. It’s so awe inspiring. I took another photo from my fire escape when I got home:

When I was walking home, I noticed some people walking and laughing. They looked up, it must have been the first time they saw it, they pointed and were silent after that. That’s how moving it is. A little later in my walk, I overheard a guy say to his friend, “Did you ever hear that Van Halen song Cabo Wabo?” I laughed to myself. That’s just about the most random statement I’ve ever heard. So, you see, it was quite the walk home. I was going to go out last night but it was a busy week at work and I needed some Bobby time to get my head straight. (Bobby time: Watching TV in my underwear, eating Pringles.) Hello Ladies! OK, and on that note, that’s it for another week in the life of me, Bob Borden of BobBorden.com. I leave you with a Random Photo of the Day. God Bless America.

Singing legend, Tony Orlando and my boss, Justin Stangel.

I’m still having trouble with this CD burning stuff. I’m not a tech guy! This photo was taken a half hour after I turned on my computer last night:

Only a half hour!! I don’t have any interesting topics today. Work, home, work, home, you know? This whole burning CDs is riding heavy on my mind. It worked at the office, it should work at home. Get me Gates on the horn, stat! I kind of like having nothing to talk about. It lets my mind wonder into strange places. I lost the lottery again last night. I’m playing 5 dollars a week, unless the jackpot is huge, in which case I take a loan out on my car to buy tickets, ha ha. If I won the lottery, I’d probably keep working. That keeps me sane. The thing that’d I’d enjoy buying is a house. Apartment living is like being a caged animal. You come home from work, take out the trash (if it’s trash night) fix up some dinner and watch some TV in the living room. I could have people over. Man, I wish I wouldn’t have thought of all that, I just brought myself down, ha ha. Can I yell at “apartment living?” APARTMENT LIVING!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! That felt good. I don’t want to seem hollow or crass but I haven’t seen a really hot woman in couple of days. The kind of woman where you’re going about your day and then she enters your line of sight at which point you say to yourself, damn, that’s a hot woman. No, that wasn’t hollow at all! I’m an idiot! That’s why I’m single because when the woman walks by I’m talking to myself! I think I just discovered a new weapon in the war on dating, not looking insane. Hmmmmmm, that’s just crazy enough to work! It’s not over yet! OK, enough nonsense. I’m ending today’s diary with something new. I call this, What I Was Watching at 9:09 PM:
Touched by an Angel on PAX. I was flipping the channels, give me a break! Have a great day. God Bless America.

Last night, I installed some CD burning software on my computer. I spent the next hour ripping CDs into MP3s so I could make the ultimate mix tape and test this software out. I did everything, it was very easy! I burned the CD, listened and man, it don’t sound so good!!!! When I ripped the songs I recorded it at a quality that wasn’t so great. I have a kick butt CD but it sounds like poop. I’ll get it right one of these days. Technology! I remember back in the day – I used to record music with a microphone and a stereo speaker. Sometimes I think things were better “back in the day.” Speaking of days, what a great day today! Worst segue ever. I don’t have that much to say today. I watched the Ozzy show on MTV last night. That’s good stuff! They were having trouble with loud neighbors, it seems like it should be the other way around — crazy world. That’s it. I’m going to leave you with two photos I took on my way to work this morning. God Bless America.

Construction workers, keeping America strong.

This is the bus I take to work. (I always sit in the back.)

I don’t mind telling you that I was crazy tired yesterday! Watching the Oscars really took its toll on me this year. I had a lot of fun watching it with other people over at my friend Sandi’s house. It was a nice change of pace for me. I usually watch the Oscars alone and curse at the TV. Sometimes Hollywood gets the best of me.  HOLLYWOOD!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Internet Acting, thank you, thank you very much. I watched this documentary over the weekend, Startup.com, have you seen that? It was very, very entertaining. And I learned a lot. I need to get some venture capital for BobBorden.com. I don’t really have a business plan but I’ll tell you this — For 15 million, I’ll get a business plan! Either that or a fur hat or a solid gold toilet. That’s the dream right there, enough money to buy a solid gold toilet. I stopped off at the store last night for the essentials, a can of Pringles and a Kit Kat bar. And while I’m not one to talk about myself — wait a minute, that’s all I do is talk about myself! Let me start over again — Here’s a story about a good deed that makes me look good. That’s better. After I left the store — I’m walking home and I see this kid on a bike to the left of the sidewalk. I keep walking, the kid rides past me and he has a basketball in his hand. He’s only steering the bike with one hand. Needless to say, he’s all over the sidewalk and in danger of hitting a car. He stops and says, “I’m never going to get home like this.” I looked at the kid and kept walking. No, I’m kidding. I said to him, “Here, let’s see if the ball fits in this bag.” At that point I take my Pringles and Kit Kat out of the bag and put them in my backpack. We put the ball into the bag and after thanking me, the kid rode off into the darkness of night. That was my good deed for the day! I felt so good after that! I even took a photo of my good deed:

OK, that photo wasn’t 100% true. I guess that’s what you’d call a dramatization.
Here’s how I faked the photo:
1. It was taken in my apartment an hour after the actual event.
2. I’m not wearing the same clothes.
3. The basketball is really an upside down Wheaties bowl.
4. Playing the part of “Kid” is my table lamp.

I’m glad I could help the kid out but seriously, I think there’s a bigger issue at hand — What 32-year old is still buying Pringles!?! That’s it. Have a great day. God Bless America.

I guess when you live your life on the edge, like I do, you’re bound to have a slow weekend every now and then. Friday night, I watched TV. Saturday, I got in the car and headed off to Nutley to do my laundry. Traffic everywhere, I turned around and did my laundry in Hoboken. I went to a place that I swore I’d never go back to! The coin slots on the machines only accept coins 50 percent of the time. There’s people everywhere and it always seems like they’re doing their laundry for the whole year! I know, I sound like an old man and if I thought about it, I’m sure I could find something positive. Found something, there always seems to be nice looking women in there. I’m separating the whites from the colors and I look over and say to myself, now that’s a fine looking woman. You can’t help thinking about this woman as you’re doing your laundry and then her husband/boyfriend walks in — it never fails! There’s always a boyfriend. This is all moot because after thinking about it, the best line I could possibly come up with is, “So, I can tell by the bra hanging from your cart, that you’re a woman.” You have no foot in the door in that situation. That’s why I go to Nutley, there’s no one in there. No stress, just 100 percent laundry! After that fiasco, I went to the A & P. I like the A & P! I was in the checkout line and a nice woman came over, looked in my cart and said, “Dear, you can take that over to lane 3.” How nice was that! I always go to the A & P in Jersey City because the Hoboken A & P is just crazy. Saturday night, I cooked myself some dinner and spent the rest of the night downloading MP3 software. I still haven’t found the right program to rip a cd. Sunday, I let Walter and “Sally” borrow my car for the day. I was going to walk around Hoboken but then it started to look like rain. I didn’t leave until Oscar time. My friend Sandi had an “Oscar to do” at her place. I had a good time. It’s fun leaving your apartment, ha ha. Here’s my big dilemma. A while back I bought a new lamp from Ikea. The old lamp, also from Ikea, I put in my bedroom. Now I’m thinking I should have just stuck with the old lamp? I like them both but one has to go, right? Which Ikea lamp do you like better?

Ikea lamp A:
orIkea lamp B:

Let me know on my message board. That’s it! Have a great day. God Bless America.

Hello. The sweet, sweet weekend is here! I have to say I don’t have a lot to say today. Last night, Walter and I began the redesign of BobBorden.com mach 2. And judging by how things went, I’d say we’re going to be ready to launch by Tuesday, ha ha! Well, not that fast but soon. It’s very intriguing building something from nothing. Things that seem easy aren’t always so — such is life. When I walked home last night around 11:30, it was snowing! It was 32 degrees and windy! What a crazy week, rain, sun, rain, snow/cold. Here’s today’s Random Photo of the Day:

Wow, that really was random! I think that’s it, I have to think about the new site. Have a great day. God Bless America.