It’s Throwback Thursday! I’ve always resisted it because I like to keep my site original. But I was going through some old photos recently and it would be a crime not to share. Ha ha. I call this photo, Max & Bob:
bobmaxMax was a schnauzer. He was the greatest! I’m not sure why I was pointing. I’m in the market for a dog. If you have a Schnauzer or a Bichon Frisé for sale, hit me up!

Souvenir photos are the best and I found a great one!
BobNiagaraHa ha ha! I’m in a barrel going over Niagara Falls! Seconds after this photo was taken, I was pulled from the bottom of the falls and my spine was shattered. True story.

My last photo is awesome.
dadMe and my brother are playing guitars for our dad. That must have sounded God awful! Ha ha. My dad passed away 13 years ago this past Monday. It’s so crazy how time is flying.

Have a nice day.