I was busy at work yesterday, really busy. That made me feel good. It’s always good to be a help to someone. I’d like to send out a special congratulation to my friend, Pam. Yesterday, Pam passed her driving test. Pam’s from the New York area so she never really had a need to get her license, she could always catch a train. Anyway, congratulations! I flunked my test the first time out. I told everybody I was taking it and then, well, you know. Years later when I moved to NJ, I had to take a written test. I flunked that too! I guess the bottom line is this: I don’t test well. The written test wasn’t even about driving. It was all about drinking and how much tire tread you should have. They always give that stupid example about putting a penny on the tire to see how much tread you have. I still don’t understand it. I say, if the tire has air, let’s roll.

I took the PATH train to work this morning. Man, it’s crowded on that thing! That’s it for today, short and sweet. Have a good day.
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