The weekend is here! Good news — I got a reprise for dinner tonight from my friend Sandi. This time I said yes! I’m looking forward to tonight. I worked late last night and when I got home, I just picked up the phone and chatted the night away. I MISS MY COMPUTER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s not that bad. I haven’t watched one full football game all season but I’m looking forward to the Steelers play. Not sure when they’re playing and who they’re playing but I’m looking forward to it. I’m going to be the guy that jumps on the bandwagon after the fact.
Here are some phrases I’m going to use on Monday:

Wow, the Rams were unstoppable!
Did you see The Bus, he was unstoppable!
You couldn’t stop the Rams’ rushing game, it was just unstoppable!

And if anyone responds and I’m forced to reply, that’s when I fake a knee injury and hobble away into my land of cooking shows and HGTV. And that ladies and gentlemen, wraps up yet another week in the life of Bob Borden. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you told a friend about *, voted best site on the internet* Have a great one. God Bless America!