Friday Grab-Bag O’ ThoughtsHello. I’m looking forward to this weekend. My “new” computer should be here later today and I have a lot of things to do in the old apartment to get ready. I’m also in the planning stage of a total redesign of Just thought I’d throw that out there. My portable CD player is on the blink. I always listen to it right before I go to bed. It was skipping around like crazy last night. I’ve had it since 1995. It’s been to Spain, France and Italy. Around the world. Around the world and beyond. I’m going to miss her. To fall asleep last night, I had to hum to myself. Kind of a sad image when you think about it. It’s raining in New York today and in my heart. Today’s random photo of the day:

I don’t have too much more to say today. So, I’m cutting it short. Have a great weekend! God Bless America.