I was sitting at home last night thinking of a photo for today’s diary. I like the photos, it adds a new twist to things. After about five minutes, I exhausted all possibilities of taking photos with the cats, ha ha. Then it hit me, the answer was hanging on my wall. Check this out:

I painted this in the early 90’s. I’m not kidding! Look at the use of shadows and texture. I was brilliant, in my own mind. I was in a college painting class and if I’m not mistaken, this is a famous painting. For the life of me, I can’t remember who did it. The teacher was really cool. Very encouraging. Anyway, that was an odd time in my life. Still wasn’t sure what path life would drive me down. I was still living at home, for heaven’s sake! The grade I got in that class allowed me to transfer my credits and move up to the main branch of Kent State University — I wasn’t the best student. Everything was always just enough or just short. Thank God for TV! I’m not sure where I’m going with this. I’m just feeling nostalgic for some reason.
Seriously, I did paint that. I should start painting again. It’s really cold out there. Yesterday and today I felt like my head was frozen — FROZEN! I was walking home last night and I saw some guy cutting his nails while he was walking. Could he have picked a worse time to do that? We talk everywhere on our cell phones. What’s next, taking a dump on the street? Did I just write that? Wow. Walter, do you want to say anything in my diary today?Walter: Nope.
Thanks Walter. I’ve been watching that SpongeBob Squarepants show this week. I like it. Hey, I almost forgot! Today is my nephew’s birthday. Happy Birthday Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!! My man is 6 today. I sent him a game that should get there today. It better be there today, I paid extra for shipping. Sometimes it stinks living so far away. And sometimes it’s freaking great — Ha ha!! OK, that’s it. God Bless America.