My weekend got off to a great start on Friday night. We went out to dinner and then went bowling to celebrate Walter’s birthday. The restaurant we went to, Duke’s, was cool. They brought us beer in a bucket. Mmmmmmmm, beer in a bucket. After Walter inspected the balls —The seven of us took to the lanes. It was that crazy night bowling, with all the crazy black lights. It wasn’t that bad but it did take some getting used to. I didn’t play so great. The combination of the crazy lights and beer don’t make for great bowling. I hate using the balls in the alley. They’re all dented and messed up. I’m looking into getting my own bowling ball as we speak. Custom drilled. Sure, I’ll probably only use it twice a year but that’s twice as many times that my game will be great. Here’s a group shot, excluding me as I took the photo —

From left to right: Jay, Paul, “Sally,” Walter, Colleen and Chris. I had a few strikes and a few gutter balls but that’s life. We had a great time! Thanks Walter! Saturday, I woke up and listened to Hall and Oates’ Greatest Hits. Great stuff! After that I went to IHOP (International House of Pancakes) I went with Sandi and Bob Bowdon. Here’s a photo of Bob and me– Sandi took the photo.That’s what I look like after a night of bowling and drinking, not to mention an Ihop “breakfast” — We ate at 1:30, ha ha. We had a good time just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Sandi and Bob are good people. I got home and headed out to Nutley to do my laundry. I hit it perfectly, there was no one in there. Just me and the machines.

The nice laundry lady took my picture. I asked her if I could take her photo but she wasn’t into it. I got back home, had some soup and called it a night. Sunday I woke up and went to the A & P. I got back home and said to myself, time for an adventure. I called up Walter and “Sally” and said let’s do something. Walter said we should drive up to Nyack, New York and that’s what we did. It’s a nice little town. And it looks like they have some great shows coming into town.We had a great lunch at this cool Mexican Restaurant. I forget what they’re called but I ordered the stuff that you put together. It was good!

We stopped off at this crazy mall on the way home. Crazy because it was just so big. Four floors, stores and people everywhere, oh the people! I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I took this photo while I was driving on the way back, I like it.

I dropped off Walter and “Sally” at the Path station and drove home. I didn’t do much after that, just talked on the phone and watched TV. Life is good. And that, as they say, was that. That’s enough for today. I hope you enjoyed this photo recount of my weekend. Let me know on my message board. Have a great day. God Bless America. I almost forgot, I’d like to leave you with a photo that Walter took — it’s a picture of his favorite subject, himself.