It’s Tuesday. I bring that up because that means that we made it through another Monday. Yesterday was a good day at work don’t get me wrong but I think everyone was on edge because of Dave’s decision. It was certainly on my mind. All the hype while we were away on vacation was just incredible. Too much. There’s a saying in the entertainment business, “It’s just a TV show.” I didn’t want to talk about 9/11 yesterday, I’m not exactly sure why. Did you see the movie 9/11Sunday night? That just blew my mind. It made me feel as helpless as I did 6 months ago. It also gave me a better time frame of what happened. I couldn’t help to retrace my steps that day. After seeing what everyone went through down there, my steps are trivial at best. CNN kept playing the explosions over and over yesterday. It still seems so surreal. I’m cutting it short today, this cold has zapped my creative energy. However, I will leave you with a Random Photo of the Day, enjoy:

Have a great day. God Bless America.