I started off last Friday’s diary by saying what a great weekend I have planned, then I said this, “OK, I don’t have anything planned but I feel like something great will happen, ever get that feeling?” Friday night, I didn’t do anything. Saturday, overcast day, looks like it could rain any second, I’m in Nutley doing my laundry, as usual. I start making calls on my cell to kill sometime between loads. I called up Walter and he was home. After talking about our evening plans, we both didn’t have any, Walter threw out an intriguing idea, Mohegan Sun. Mohegan Sun is a casino about two hours north of New York City. I told Walter I had to think about it and I’d call him when I got home. Two hours later we were on our way! We got up there and I was impressed, it’s very nice. A lot of games and floor space, not to mention stores, great restaurants and a hotel opening up in April, lol — I should do PR for this joint! Walter headed for the blackjack tables and I followed. I wasn’t ready to play because my funds were limited and because I wanted to get the feel of the room. After a few hours we left the floor to find food. We had our hearts set on the Michael Jordan Steak House but we couldn’t get a table until 11. If we can’t have the best beef, we might as well find the best lobster. There was a place there called Jasper White’s Summer Shack. Here’s a matchbook I took:

I don’t know who Jasper White is but he was moving lobsters like they were going out of style! Walter ordered a lobster and I got the surf and turf. I should have had a lobster like Walter. I got short changed on the surf and turf, live and learn. We headed back to the floor and I still wasn’t getting the right vibe. Walter played, I watched. A spot at the table opened up and I just said screw it, now or never. I put $140 down and got some chips. This was a $25 dollar table, I did see some five dollar tables but you couldn’t get near them. I started by betting $25, then I moved up to $50, then $75. You win some and then you lose, back and fourth. After a bit I looked at my chips and had $200. I said to myself, it’s go time and I put down $100. I went on a little run and left the table with…
$400! I couldn’t believe that I pulled my self away from that table without losing everything. I still had to stay and watch Walter finish up. I was so tempted to just put down $300, just to see what happened. I’m glad I didn’t. Walter broke even but he played all night and had a good time. What a great night! It almost justifies getting home at 4 am, almost, ha ha. Sunday, I rolled out of bed and did nothing. I ended up cleaning my apartment. I left my apartment twice, once to move my car, I found a great spot very close to my building:
The second time I left my apartment was to get some dinner. I’m kicking myself because I was in the burrito place last night and this really attractive woman came in. I felt like I should have said something to her. I was tongue tied because I have no rap! It’s probably best not to say anything if the best you can come up with is, “So, you like burritos too.” AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Oh well. I won $400, that’s something! Right? Right. Oh sweet Lord, I’m answering my own questions! Ha ha. That’s it, I have to run to the bank. God Bless America.