Ah the weekend. We look forward to it all week long and before we know it, it’s gone — memoires, simple memories. Friday night, I just watched TV. It was raining so I couldn’t ride my bike. I don’t even remember what I watched. I did enjoy a burrito for dinner. I got to use Joe Perry’s hot sauce. Yes, that Joe Perry — from Aerosmith. The man plays a mean guitar and makes a mean sauce.

Joe Perry’s hot sauce

Saturday, I woke up at 12. It was a cold, gloomy day. I watched The Cable Guy on TV — that pretty much set the tone for the day. I can’t remember what I watched next, some B grade flick. I thought about going out and getting a haircut, then I thought about my electric razor. I ended up cutting my own hair. I didn’t do such a bad job. I have to throw that razor away, it’s too tempting. Getting your haircut is really something to be left to the professionals. I had a few close calls. I left my apartment once to buy dinner. I stayed to myself too long because when I left my apartment, I was freaked out by all the people. I got back to my apartment and that was that.

Sunday, I woke up early and took my laundry to Nutley. It was a beautiful day yesterday. I couldn’t wait to get back to Hoboken and finally ride my bike. I get back, park my car and turn off my engine. Huh, that’s funny, it sounds like someone’s using a garden hose. I look around, no hose. I open my door and the sound I hear is air leaking from my tire. I ran over a screw!Damn! I took off quick so I could get to a garage before all the air is gone. Halfway there, it’s gone. I roll under an overpass. Just it time because it started pouring! I never had to change a tire before. It wasn’t that hard. I got that little spare on and made it to the garage. The side-wall is ripped, you can’t plug that, I needed a new tire. The guy said he has a same size tire (slightly used) and he’ll give it to me for $20. $20 payable to him, not to the shop. Cool, I thought to myself, an under the table deal. It’s so unBob like. I made the deal and off I went.

I got back to Hoboken and was looking for a parking spot. I was driving down the street, I have the right of way and this police car is creeping into the street. He ends up in the middle of the intersection. He’s not going, he doesn’t have his lights or siren on. So, I keep going. As I drive by I heard him call me an Asshole, ha ha! Can you believe that?! I thought of giving him a hand gesture like, “what did I do?” — then I came to my senses and slowly kept driving. I’m so supportive of the men in blue — what a jerk! I circled the block and he was just cruising around. I parked in the exact same spot where I got the flat, I figured it was safe now, ha ha. As I was putting The Club on my car, I thought to myself, maybe I am an asshole?

Sunday night, I met up with my friend Alex and I finally got to take my bike out. Whew! What a long day.

One of the great things about having a website is the people. I’ve heard from some great folks over the years, from all walks of life, from Germany to Australia. Last week a guy wrote to me on my message board. The cool part about this guy isn’t where he’s from but who he is. His name is Bob Borden. He calls himselfThe Real Bob Borden, ha ha.

“The Real” Bob Borden

He’s a true Bob, that’s what it says on his birth certificate. I’m really a Robert but I’ve never gone by that. Anyway, welcome, Bob Borden! Tell your friends about BobBorden.com, wow, that’s confusing!

That’s it. Have a great day. God Bless America.

Mom, don’t worry, the tire is a name brand and has plenty of tread. It’s all good.