How about that sleeping weather last night? The humidity seems to have gone away. I’m looking forward to a lovely weekend of riding my bike. Well, people really enjoyed my tattoo story yesterday! I went to Europe for vacation around ’96 and was dangerously close to getting a tattoo of Bruce Lee, circa Enter the Dragon. The tattoo artist must have gone to lunch, probably for the best. That tattoo did look sweet. Yesterday, I found that cobra tattoo on the net, cut it out and pasted it on my arm. I will get a tattoo someday when I figure out what works for me but for right now, Mom, you can rest easy.

Bob’s cobra tattoo was only a joke

I enjoyed that. Friends e-mailed me and said stuff like, “B.S. you didn’t get that tattoo.” However, they really weren’t sure. Very enjoyable! OK, I know I should have a new addition to my novel, The Wallet, today but work had me, well, working this week. Never had the time. OK, I guess if you want to get technical, I did have some time when I was looking for a cobra tattoo but that became a pet project for me. Anyway, I’ll work on it when I can, I’ve come this far, I don’t want to mess it up.

I want to do something new for today, I call it, Bob Shares the Love. I’ve added two new links to my “links” section. The first, is a website by Zach. He’s always posting messages on my board and seems like a nice kid. He just graduated from Steubenville High School and writes about his life. The second, is a website by Rick. Rick is a former Late Show intern. He’s getting ready to graduate college and is under the pressure of work and his studies. Two different people at very similar yet very different stages in life. When you get done here, check out their sites and try to relive your own glory days. It’s very interesting. Just one word of caution, those boys love to curse! That’s it for Bob Shares the Love — enjoy!

The Late Show mail guy, Tom Foster, came into my office yesterday and wanted me to look at his mail-cart. I used to push that same cart so I was thinking that he added some new time saving device. I looked and instead of listing my mail folder by my name, Tom listed it as: WWW.BobBorden.COM.

Mail Room guy Tom helps Bob
spread the word
Isn’t that cool?! I call that free advertising! Thanks Tom. That damn photo took me over an hour to finish. I was playing around with everything. Photoshop is a time killer, let me tell you.

OK, that is it! Have a great weekend. God Bless America.