Hello. I saw a new one last night. On the bus, this woman was talking on her cell phone but she had her hand covering her mouth. Then, she made a few more calls, without covering her mouth. I thought to myself, hey sweets, no one gives a s**t either way! I wish I could just say what I feel sometimes.

I’ve been looking around for a new cell phone plan. I picked up my phone after 9/11. I picked up the basic phone but now my needs have changed. I’m only interested in a phone that plays games and a phone that plays silly songs. Minutes, roaming? I don’t care, just bring on Ms. Pac-Man. I love Ms. Pac-Man. The people that came up with that game were just genius. “I have a new, fresh idea, let’s take Pac-Man and put a bow on him.” I’m sure that must have been said at some point. I’m going to type “Ms. Pac-Man” into a search engine, just to see what comes up — be right back.

I’m back. Well, that wasn’t as interesting as I thought.

Thanks to everyone for reminding me to buy dishwashing liquid last night. I even wrote “dish liquid” on my hand to help me remember.

With your help, Bob remembered

to buy dishwashing liquid

It’s the little things. I’m not brand loyal when it comes to dishwashing liquid. I like to experiment. You know, come to think of it — I think I’ve talked about this subject before. How sad is that?! I forgot the philosopher’s name but some philosopher once said, everything has already been written. Well, I just proved that, I think. I was never very good at philosophy.

I was flipping the old TV around last night and I saw a quick shot of a bath tub with an integrated TV. It was all one unit. Man, that’s the dream right there! The future is now. The show is called Fresh Gear, let me try and find that photo.

Bob’s dream tub

We all saw that photo coming down Broadway, didn’t we? Why isn’t there any water in my dream tub? And why am I wearing clothes in my dream tub? My dreams suck!

That’s it for today. Have a good one. God Bless America.

Good Luck, Sam