This week certainly is moving along. For the slower people that read, today is Wednesday. Busy day at work yesterday and today I’ll be busy just getting over the hump!

I was talking to my Mom yesterday and she was asking what she should do with my old Beetle Bailey book collection. You see, when I was an impressionable youth, I loved Beetle Bailey – he was always slacking off, and that darn Sarge wouldn’t leave him alone! I told her to put them in a safe place; they’re like solid gold to me. Cut to me buying lottery tickets later that day. I look over at the scratch-off tickets and Holy crap! they have Beetle Bailey scratch-off tickets!

Leave it to the folks

at the NJ Lottery

I thought to myself, what an incredible coincidence — this is a sure thing, a sign, if you will. I purchased 3 and lost. Damn.

On my way out of the corner lotto store I ran into an old neighbor. It freaked me out a little bit because it was so random to see her again. She got married and is living the good life. Good for her. It was funny, she was telling all the new stuff in her life and when she asked me what’s new in my life, my response was, “Nothing’s changed.” You can file that response under “C” for conversation killers. Or do you file that under “K”? Damn files!

A few years back I bought a CD by the group Pavement, it was called Slanted and Enchanted. I didn’t like it and got rid of it. Years later, I was given the CD and now I’m enjoying it. While I have the files out I think I’ll file that last thought under “U” for useless information. Or should I file it under “I” for information? — CLASSIC BOBBORDEN.COM CALLBACK! tm

I feel like starting my own band. I have a guitar. I like music. What’s stopping me? Wait – I have on Mr. Holland’s Opus in that background and I think I may have been subliminally influenced to be inspired. Let me change the channel – Cool, Mannequin is on.

That’s it!

Parting thought, if we have to go to war, once and for all, let’s just take everyone out – Forget about being a democrat or a republican, let’s just get them before they get us. You can’t reason with evil.

God Bless America.