Hello. My weekend started, as always, on Friday night. Chicken Burrito + the film Bottle Rocket = A magical evening. That was about it for Friday night. Oh, I also gave myself a haircut.

Saturday I woke up, gathered up the laundry and I drove to Nutley. It was a picture-perfect day. The sunroof was open and for the first time in my life I felt alive. (That last sentence was an over exaggeration.) After that, you guessed it, the A & P. Came back to Hoboken and chilled out.

Saturday night I went into the city to have dinner with my friends. “Sally”, Walter, Chris, Colleen and Jay — we had a good time — I ordered the Red Snapper, can you say delicious? For dessert I ordered a Pineapple tart with cinnamon ice cream. Holy crap! That was great! I even shared it with everyone. (Note to self, next time order two desserts!) I’m just kidding! “JK” as the kids say these days.

Sunday I didn’t leave my apartment. I just watched TV and cleaned up. The Hoboken Art and Music Festival was going on but I didn’t feel like being in a crowd. I’m funny like that.

Tonight, Mike Watt is in Hoboken!

Watt in Hoboken


I’m looking forward to some good music.

That’s it for today. I may have some exciting information about my car later today. I’ll post it on my message board around 6:30pm.

Have a great day!

God Bless America.