I was 7th in line on Friday at midnight to purchase the new Harry Potter book. I got home pretty late and couldn’t start the book until Saturday. Saturday comes and it’s pouring out; perfect book-reading weather! Cut to: 3:30, I’m one hundred pages into the book and then it hits me: The damn kid’s a witch!

That was a new feature to BobBorden.com, I call it: Bob Makes Up the First Paragraph of Today’s Diary – tell your friends.

Holy crap, a whole weekend of rain! I don’t have much to say today because I spent much of the weekend indoors. Tiger Woods golf and the occasional bad movie kept me sane. Note to Starz: I don’t need to see Planes, Trains and Automobiles for quite some time. The same goes for Scrooged. Aren’t those holiday films anyway? The highlight of Saturday was picking up the Van Halen Live double CD for $4.99! Cabo Wabo! Why’d they get rid of Sammy? Why???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday found me back at the record store. I had a strange urge to purchase the Andrew W.K. CD. That was only $4.99 as well but I couldn’t go through with it. It’s the musical equivalent to junk food. But I was damn close.

The good folks at SuperCuts set me a coupon for $3 off a haircut. The haircut Gods were sending me a message. I was in and out in about 5 minutes, that’s some serious cutting.


That’s it.

