I was typing a date last night and it just hit me, holy crap I think my Dad passed away today (many years ago). Turns out I was a couple days off. Weird I thought of it because I’m not one to look back. Except when it comes to grudges, ha ha.

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. Iggy takes up a lot of my free time. I love this dog more than ice cream!

You know what I discovered recently? RedBox. I wasn’t able to stream anything and I was in need of some Hollywood entertainment.
redboxIt’s a very good and cheap service. I rented ‘St. Vincent’ and ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. I liked ‘St. Vincent’ and have to re-watch ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. The TV I was watching it on wasn’t up to snuff. Excuse me for a second…YAWN!!!

Have a great weekend!