Hello. This humidity is too much. I was going to get a haircut last night but had to call it off because I was sweating so much. I toyed around with the idea of getting a shampoo first so the hair stylist wouldn’t be repulsed by my sweat. But by the time that thought process circled around my mind I wasn’t in the mood anymore. I really can complicate the simplest things sometimes.

I woke up to rain this morning, that cooled things off, at least for the commute in. I was riding the escalator in the bus station and I couldn’t believe my eyes. The guy in front of me was bald, not a big deal. But upon further investigation, the back third of his head was sprayed black. It was absolutely incredible. He was bald, I don’t know why anyone would do that? It boggles the mind.

First day of work after two weeks off was an adjustment. I felt like I was in a haze all day yesterday. My routine was thrown off by the sweet seductress I like to call, Lady Hollywood. I don’t know what that means, I just like to say “sweet seductress.”

The new Springsteen CD is really good. Very sad subject matter but it’s very tastefully done. I have to be honest, sometimes I forget about 9/11. I was walking to the subway last night and a tourist asked me where Ground Zero was. I thought to myself afterwards, oh yeah, Ground Zero. That should be something on my mind everyday, do you know what I mean? I’m not sure what my point is? I just felt a little guilty at that moment.

I was going to ride my bike last night but the humidity was a real deterrent. I couldn’t even get a haircut! How the hell am I going to ride a bike!?

I forgot to say thanks to everyone that kept my message board interesting while I was away. I swear, there’s more activity on that thing than when I’m here. Also, congratulations to Mark Nelson on the birth of his daughter, Rivers Kathleen Nelson. Good news.

Driving in Hollywood

I’m going to end today’s diary with a new feature to BobBorden.com, I call it:

Hollywood Gossip: The Damon, Trevor, Jeff and The Girl Files —

Hollywood, Friday 3:30pm: Damon travels back to Boston last weekend for a wedding. At the same time, Damon’s ex girlfriend travels to LA but not to visit him, she came to LA to visit his roommate, Trevor. Trevor has been talking to the girl behind Damon’s back. In fact, at the same time Damon’s flight departed, her flight was arriving — Trevor didn’t even drive Damon to the airport!
Flashback to a few weeks ago; Jeff took Trevor to a concert in Las Vegas, Jeff paid for everything and they agreed, the next concert, Trevor picks up the tab. Jeff mentions to Trevor that he’d like to go to the Dixie Chicks concert. Trevor never mentions anything about it. When Jeff brings it up again, Trevor says they were sold out.
Hollywood, Saturday 12am: Trevor, the girl and Jeff go out to a club that night. Jeff and the girl step outside for a second to get some fresh air. After some friendly conversation between the two, it turns out that The Girl and Trevor are going to the Dixie Chicks concert the next night!

Wow! Let’s review: Trevor goes out with Damon’s ex girlfriend — without Damon’s knowledge, doesn’t even drive his friend to the airport, accepts an invitation to a concert from Jeff and then repays Jeff by lying to him. I don’t know who’s to blame here? I’m not one to pass judgment, that’s why you’re here. Today’s question of the day on my message board is this: What kind of person is Trevor? I want to hear from everybody today.

That’s it! Have a great day. God Bless America.