The Elvis Costello / Burt Bacharach CD still holds up. Damn, that’s good stuff — tugs at the old heartstrings. My favorite? God Give Me Strength. I listened to that the other night and damn if it didn’t almost bring a tear to my eye.

This is a great


I’m over the shock of some crazed junkie ransacking my car. I think all he/they got was the change from my astray and a flashlight. The next time someone wants to break into my car, I wish they’d just call me. Hell, I’ll go down and give them a couple of bucks. This crap will end up costing me about $250. I’m 33 years old, my car was just broken into and who’s the first person I called? That’s right, my Mom. Why my Mom? I’m not sure. I just thought that was kind of unusual/funny. By the way, Mom – because of this unexpected dent in my wallet, no Christmas gift for you this year – sorry sweets.

I was flipping the channels last night and I caught a glimpse of a show on ABC, Extreme Makeovers or something like that. Anyway, they (‘They’ being Hollywood) did plastic surgery on 3 people. I think the idea is just kind of disgusting. I can’t really put my finger on it but something just seemed wrong. I’m all for letting people do what ever the hell they want but that doesn’t mean I need to see it in my living room.

I ended up watching Junkyard Wars, the UK edition. They made one-wheeled mopeds or something. I just like watching shows about cars now. The Osbournes is off the radar screen for me this season. They’re just too over-exposed for me. I’d rather just put on an Ozzy CD and ride that Crazy Train into musical bliss! I may know too much about Ozzy now. I don’t know.

It’s going on two days of rain here on the East Coast. All I can think about is I hope the tape and garbage bag can keep my car dry. Damn junkie car thieves! Sorry.

That’s it for me today. Have a great day. God Bless America.