I’m 7 songs into the new Beck CD, so far, so good. Beck’s got the blues and he’s got ’em bad. I don’t mind a sad song. That’s life; it can’t all be beer and candy bars.

I walked by my car last night and I’m happy to report that the snow is melting nicely. I should be able to take her for a spin by Saturday.

I don’t have a lot on my mind right now. I just listened to music and flipped the channels around last night. I also put in some quality cat time. I introduced some new cat toys. My cats were amazed for about 5 seconds. I tried.

I’m thinking about ending today’s diary here for today. I’m kind of tired right now. My Wednesday was one for the books. Where are those books anyway? To make my diary a little longer, I’m just going to steal an old diary from my former intern, Rick. The link to Rick’s website is on my links page. So, without further adieu, here’s some stuff I stole from Rick’s website:

(From Rick’s site)

Wednesday, February 12, 2003
I say the same things every week And in keeping with that grandois tradition: I just watched my tape of last nights “24.” I started watching laying on my bed. Then I was sitting at the edge of the bed. Then, by the last 10 minutes I was standing up. Inches from the television with my hand over my mouth. SHOCKING! I kind of had a feeling that the craziness was just a tactic, but still, when you see it happen it makes you jump. I jumped. I literally jumped while watching this show. I remember when I saw Panic Room in the theatre and how I thought it was so extremely suspenseful and I was on the edge of my seat. Nothing compared to this seasons ’24.’ It makes me want to see last seasons, but– I kind of like just going on from here. Going backward seems counter-productive.
That’s probably why I put off watching any new Soprano’s until I saw all of the old ones.



–That’s it! God Bless America. Bigger diary tomorrow, I promise.